
Kenya Big five Safari Tour

15 Days

Kenya Big five Safari Tour to Masai Mara, Amboseli, Samburu, Aberdare, Tsavo.

This tour Kenya Big five Safari Tour will give you a chance to explore Kenyan six best parks and reserves. You’ll see all the Big Five, special five and small five. Experience the great migration of wildebeest to and from the Maasai Mara/ Serengeti crossing the Mara River, awaited by hungry crocodiles and big cats once they cross the river.


Upon arrival at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, you will be picked up at the airport and taken to your hotel. The rest of the day is free. Relax, take a stroll, enjoy the sights and sounds. Get plenty of rest – tomorrow will be huge!

Dinner and overnight at Skynest Residences.

Have your breakfast at the lodge in leisure and later depart for Tsavo East National Park with an enroute game drive on the way. You will arrive in time for lunch. After lunch, you will have an afternoon game drive.

The joint mass of Tsavo West and Tsavo East National Parks forms one of the largest national parks in the world and covers a massive 4% of Kenya’s total land area. Tsavo East the larger of the two, lies to the east of the Nairobi – Mombasa road, equidistant between Nairobi and Mombasa. It offers a vast and untapped arena of arid bush which is washed by azure and emerald meandering of the Galana River. It's guarded by the limitless lava reaches of the Yatta plateau and patrolled by some of the largest elephant herds in Kenya.

Dinner and overnight at Ashnil Aruba.

You will have a full day in the park with your morning and afternoon game drives.

Main attractions in the park, 'Elephant in Eden' - The sight of dust-red elephants wallowing, rolling and spraying each other with the midnight blue waters of palm-shaded Galana River is one of the most evocative images of Africa.

Aruba Dam - The beautiful Aruba dam located on the north bank of the seasonal Voi River, is visited by thousands of animals and is a great game viewing destination.

Mudanda Rock - This whale–backed rock towers above a natural dam, which acts as a draw to thousands of elephants.

Yatta Plateau - At 300 kilometers in length, the heat shimmering edge of Yatta Plateau is the longest lava flow in the world and an ornithological paradise that attracts migrating birds from all over the world.

Dinner and overnight at Ashnil Aruba.

After breakfast, you'll depart to Amboseli National Park. Set against the legendary Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest mountain, Amboseli is home to the “Big Five" of African wildlife: elephant, rhino, lion, buffalo and leopard. The view of the Amboseli plains, with elephants moving below the snow-capped peaks of Mount Kilimanjaro, is one of the most photographed vistas in Africa. A network of swamps and wetlands ensure excellent game viewing all year-round. Upon your arrival in the park, have an enroute game drive heading to the lodge. Check in and enjoy your lunch. After lunch, embark on an afternoon game drive with an expert game driver.

Dinner and overnight at Aa Lodge Amboseli.

You'll have a full day of exploration in the park. After breakfast, depart for the morning game drive. Afterwards, you'll be transferred to your lodge for lunch at leisure. Later, embark on an afternoon game drive. You will later return to the lodge for dinner.

You will be able to see the peak of Mt Kilimanjaro, the Big Five and more than 400 birds species.

Dinner and overnight at Aa Lodge Amboseli

You will have your morning breakfast at the lodge, then depart to Lake Naivasha. You will arrive in time for lunch. In the afternoon, you'll have a boat ride.

Lake Naivasha is a beautiful freshwater lake, fringed by thick papyrus. It is almost 13km across, but its waters are shallow with an average depth of five metres. The waters of the lake draw a great range of game to these shores.

Giraffes wander among the acacia, buffalo wallow in the swamps and Colobus monkeys call from the treetops. You'll also see the lake's large hippo populations sleep the day out in the shallows.

Dinner and overnight at Sawela Lodges.

Have breakfast at the lodge and later depart to Maasai Mara National Reserve. Upon arrival in the park, you will have an en-route game drive heading to the lodge, for check in and lunch. Afterwards, you will have an evening game drive. Later, return to the lodge for dinner and your overnight stay.

Enjoy an exploratory drive around the 1,792sq km game park with its low hills and savannah type rolling grasslands, gallery forest on the Mara River and its tributaries. Get introduced to the herbivores; elephant, rhino, buffalo, the variety of antelopes, the Masai giraffe and the Burchell zebra. The carnivores are the black mane lion, cheetah and leopard. Also to be seen are the largest bird including the Masai ostrich, the Secretary bird, the crested crane and saddle-bill stork. Crocodiles and hippos share the river.

Dinner and overnight at Fisi Camp.

You can have an optional early morning balloon safari ride (US$450.00 per person ) across the Masai Mara plains.

Enjoy breakfast at the lodge then go for morning and afternoon game drives. Masai Mara is an extension of the Serengeti ecosystem to the south. Game abounds here. The Mara is noted for its abundance of lions, particularly the superb black maned males. During the great migration, over 1.5 million wildebeest and other antelopes cross the mighty Mara River. You are also likely to see lots of elephants here often in large herds. If you're lucky, you'll see leopard, cheetah and rhino. All of the Big Five are residents. You're sure to see the African buffalo. Get the cameras ready, stock up on film/tapes and enjoy yourselves! In the evening, visit a Maasai village.

Dinner and overnight at Fisi Camp.

You can have an optional early morning balloon safari ride (US$450.00 per person ) across the Masai Mara plains.

Enjoy breakfast at the lodge then go for morning and afternoon game drives. Masai Mara is an extension of the Serengeti ecosystem to the south. Game abounds here. The Mara is noted for its abundance of lions, particularly the superb black maned males. During the great migration, over 1.5 million wildebeest and other antelopes cross the mighty Mara River. You are also likely to see lots of elephants here often in large herds. If you're lucky, you'll see leopard, cheetah and rhino. All of the Big Five are residents. You're sure to see the African buffalo. Get the cameras ready, stock up on film/tapes and enjoy yourselves! In the evening, visit a Maasai village.

Dinner and overnight at Fisi Camp.

You'll be woken up by marching elephants and the sounds of birds. Have breakfast at your lodge, check out and drive through the cool Rift Valley environment towards Nakuru. Drive through the park and arrive at your lodge in time for lunch. Afterwards, have an afternoon game drive at Lake Nakuru National Park. Lake Nakuru is a small park with over 50% of its area covered by the Lake. Located in the middle of the Rift valley, L. Nakuru National Park has a wide variety of animals which include the Rothschild giraffe, lions, white and black rhinos as well as the leopard. All these can be spotted depending on your luck. The park is also considered by birdwatchers as an ornithological paradise! A myriad of both greater and lesser flamingoes have made this lake their home.

Dinner and overnight at Kunste Hotel.

You will have an early morning game drive then return to the lodge for your breakfast and check out then depart to the Aderdare National Park. On your way, you will have a stopover at Thomson’s Falls. Have an opportunity to explore the enchanting waterfalls that attract colorful birds and provide good photographic opportunities. A nature trail at the base of the falls and through the gorge is a safe haven for the endangered Columbus monkeys, baboons and small animals. Afterwards, embark on the safari to Aberdare National Park. You will arrive in time for lunch which will be at Aberdare Country Club (base serving hotel for The Ark). After lunch, enter the national park for a game drive and later head to the lodge for your dinner and overnight stay.

Dinner and overnight at The Ark.

After your morning breakfast, drive to Samburu arriving in time for check in and lunch. You will have some rest before you embark on the evening game drive in the famous Samburu National Reserve, which is known for its “special 5”. If you're lucky, you will be able to see them as they include; reticulated giraffe, Gravy’s zebra, gerenuk, Somali ostrich and Baisa oryx.

Dinner and overnight at Samburu Sopa Lodge.

Your wake up call will be at 6:00 am for tea/coffee and cookies at the lobby. Set off for the early morning game drive in the reserve. Return to the lodge for breakfast and thereafter, the rest of the morning will be at leisure. Lunch will be served at the lodge, and in the evening, set off for the late evening game drive.

The landscape of the Samburu area is beautiful, arid and scrubby with magnificent mountains in the background. An unusual forked palm; the doum palm, grows along the banks of this river and adds striking beauty to the panorama. Wildlife is surprisingly abundant for such a dry place. It includes several species which are unique to the area such as; gerenuk, Gravy’s zebra, Beisa oryx, reticulated giraffe and Somali ostrich. Not to be overlooked are the hundreds of species of birds to be found here. This is home to the Samburu people, “cousins” to the Maasai and the young warriors’ colourful dress and ornamentation distinguish them from other members of the tribe.

Dinner and overnight at Samburu Sopa Lodge.

After breakfast at the lodge, have an enroute game drive in the park. Afterwards, drive to Nairobi where you will be transferred to the airport for your home flight. This brings to an end our Kenya migration tour.

Dinner and overnight at Skynest Residences.

It’s the final day in Kenya, Take advantage of the relaxed schedule and sleep in before breakfast is served. Enjoy the breathtaking views of Nairobi city as the sun rises at the horizon one last time and also if time allows be sure to grab any last minute souvenirs you may want and say one last goodbye to the new friends you made in Kenya before being transferred to Jomo Kenyatta International Airport for your flight back home.

Kwa heri ya kuonana – (Good bye and see you again).

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Kenya Big five Safari Tour
From $6,478
/ Adult
From $4,980
/ Child
  • Best Price Guaranteed
  • No Booking Fees
  • Professional Local Guide